An Easy Way to Save Money: Ask For a Discount

28 05 2010

I know that I am much bolder when it comes to buying a car, furniture, a mattress, or other big-ticket items to haggle on price. But typically, I don’t have what it takes to get a good deal on a mid-priced item at a large retailer. One time, my wife’s father haggled the price of a microwave at Best Buy! Most people don’t think about haggling on price at Best Buy, but it can be done. It can especially be done at the Appliance section. The store clerks don’t make commission, but I am convinced that there is some kind of financial incentive for them. We bought a set of appliances two years ago, and by the time we left, we had about $300 knocked off the total price.

The formula is simple. ALWAYS ASK FOR A DISCOUNT! It never hurts to ask, and the worst they can say is NO. I’m preaching this to myself, because I am very shy when it comes to buying certain things. My wife is awesome at this. She’ll ask for anything. She wants to get a discount wherever she can. Some discounts are staring you in the face. If you see that the item has something wrong with it, or it has already been opened, you can typically get 10 to 20% off the retail price.

Be a frugal shopper. You’ll save thousands of dollars over your lifetime.